What is Farabi Exchange Programme

"Farabi Exchange Program" in short, is a program of exchange of students and faculty members among the higher education institutions providing education and training at the level of associate, bachelor, master and doctorate within the university and higher education institutes.   The Farabi Exchange Program aims to enable students or faculty members to continue their education and training activities at a higher education institution outside their institutions during one or two semesters. Students who take part in the Farabi Exchange Program receive gratuitous scholarships and additional tuition payments to faculty members. The principles regarding the implementation of the Farabi Exchange Program have been elaborated by the Regulation and the Principles and Procedures.            


Farabi (870-950) Farabi was born in 870 in Farab city of Turkestan. Buhara, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Harran and Aleppo have traveled around important science centers of the time. He has written works on philosophy, mathematics, logic, political science and music. In Islamic world, he has a great reputation in comparison with Aristotle called Muallim-i Evvel (First Teacher) in the field of philosophy and is known as Muallim-i Sani (Second Teacher). It is known in the Western world as "Alpharabius".

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